Medidas de los abscesos o pústulas, 11 de mayo:
- el de la nariz 1.2 cm x 1.1 cm.
- el que tiene aspecto de espinilla tiene un diámetro externo de 1.2 cm e interno de 0.5 cm.
- el que está cerca de la cola mide 2.3 cm x 2 cm. De este faltaban fotografías, anexo un close-up y otra foto con una mano de referencia.
Longitud de punta nariz a punta cola, sobre arco de lomo: 2.68 metros
Longitud de punta nariz a punta cola, sobre recta panza: 2.45 metros
Peso inicial (11 abril): 165 kg
Talla inicial (11 abril): 2.38 metros
Peso a las 2 semanas (23 abril): 183 kg
Talla a las 2 semans (23 abril): 2.45 metros
Peso a las 4 semanas (10 mayo): 176 kg
Talla 11 mayo: 2.45 metros
1 comentario:
I doubt this will be of any help, but even the chance of something useful is worth typing this out. I have the CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine.... I will type it out for you.
CRC Handbook of MMM pg 531-532
"Little is known about the tiology and patheogenesis of noninfectious skin lesions in marine mammals, although many of these lesions are observed and used to identify individuals. Sloughing of the epidermis from exposure to ultraviolet light. However, it is rarely observed in healthy individuals maintained in climates with high ultraviolet exposure, and may thus be more of a response to drying. Fissuring of the dermis around the blowhole is believed to be a consequence of drying. Ballooning degeneration of the epidermis has been observed by Maderson in a bottlenose dolphin maintained in fresh water. Patchy ulceration and necrosis of the epidermis are regularly observed in dolphins if the salt concentration of pool water falls below 1%. A number of traumatic skin lesions resulting from drying, abrasions, and pressure necrosis are described as consequences of capture and transport.
The morphology of epidermal lesions classified as shallow lacerations, circular depressions, and epidermal sloughing in bowhead whales has been described in detail, although their etiology is unclear. A characteristic ulcerative, hyperkeratotic skin disease has been described in northern elephant seals, but its etiology remains obscure. Ab alopecic skin lesion in California sea lions with thinning of the epidermis, hyperkeratosis, and dilatation of cystic, kerans in other animal species. Circular areas of alopecia are commonly observed in Stellar and California sea lions. The cause of these lesions is unknown, but occasionally mycotic organisms can be found within hair follicles on histopathology. Severe acanthosis and hyperkeratosis with secondary bacterial infections and septicemia were seen in two captive sea lions from one facility. The etiology was undetermined, but no further cases occurred after exibit renovation. Extensive alopecia has been observed in gray seals around the UK. Although some biopsies show a mycotic dermatitis, the etiology remains obscure. Alopecia and acanthosis have also been described in polar bears. Deposits of iron salts on the keratine of hairs of harbor seals resulting in a red pelage are common in seals from SF California, and are rarely observed elsewhere.
An unusual case of cutaneous gout, characterized by granulomatous dermatitis with intradermal uric acid deposits, which responded to treatment with allopurinol, was observed in an Amazon river dolphin."
I don't know if this is at all helpful or if your facility has a copy of this book, but please ask me if you want me to look for anything particular in this book.
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