Pascuala ha estado muy inactiva el día de hoy. Y desmotivada. La veterinaria, Paola, me informó que le aumentaron hoy las grasas (aceites) al doble, para compensar el aumento en su consumo calórico, pues ha presentado una disminución de peso. Sigue comiendo bien, la diarrea ya cedió, sus análisis sanguíneos están sin variación.
A mi juicio que está presentando síntomas emocionales, por la pérdida de su seguridad. Espero que se reconsidere retomar el manejo y terapias que se la aplicaban. El cambio en su tratamiento fué muy brusco y tajante. Aunque se haya reintroducido gente con ella, pasa demasiadas horas sola. Lo vuelvo a repetir, es tan solo un bebé de 1 mes de nacido...
P.D. La nariz se ve un poco mejor, ayer estaba terrible.
I'm still worried.
Pascuala has been inactive and unmotivated all day, today. The vet, Paola, told me she's getting double dosis of oils in the formula, since today, to compensate the loss of calories, because she has been loosing weight this last days. Good news is that she is eating well, and also the diarrhea has submitted and the blood tests show no variations. I think her "down" is emotional. She was exposed to a second loss of "mom" in a very short time. I understand new things have to be tried, but hope that this new way of treatment is reconsidered, because it was very sudden and incisive. It has to be more gradual, to let her adjust slowly to the changes. Even that people is getting in the water with her again, she is spending too many hours alone. It's important to not loose sight that she is only a 1 month old baby...
P.S. Her nose looks a bit better, yesterday was really bad.
Feliz cumple Enrique Ros!! recibe un abrazo en Tijuas, desde Vallarta.
Fotos: Jessica Soler • Mayo 2, 2007 • Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit
4 comentarios:
I can't even describe the sadness that I felt when I read that Pascuala was missing her second "mommies"! This poor girl has been through enough, and I hope that the people in charge realize this and start putting people back in the water with her! I know it might not be what they thought was best from the start, but she has surprised everyone with her progress so far, and maybe it has to do with the love and care that she has been given by the people that have been interacting with her! Feeling rejected at such a young age has to feel awful...she is probably just sad! As far as feeding her is concerned, SeaWorld in Texa had a calf whose mother rejected her, and they hand-reared her successfully! Maybe they could be a resource...just a thought! I am keeping my fingers crossed that she keeps getting better! Believe it or not, I have grown quite attached! I can only imagine the love that you have for her! Thanks again for these wonderful updates!
Definitivamente...decepcionante...las ultimas noticias sobre Pascuala hacen temer lo peor. No se como en pleno siglo XXI se puedan cometer estos graves errores.
Así...como Pascuala muriera no podría considerarse un crimen? Las orcas estan amparadas por CITES y por la CBI (aunque este ultimo organo esta un poco mal regido ultimamente), si no me equivoco.
Tienes que ver que Pacuala es un bebé. Y es natural que no pueda convivir sin su progenitora. Eso pasa con la mayoría de los mamiferos. Bueno, a tener fe. Tiene que salir adelante.
Muchos saludos. Se te entraña en el ángulo...
Jess... que ha pasado con Pascuala... porque no has escrito ninguna entrada... porfavor tu no nos abandones...!!!!!
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