viernes, 27 de abril de 2007

Pascuala • 26 Abril

¿De qué manera y con qué palabras puedo describir la sensación que tuve, mientras fotografiaba a Pascuala, y se quedó flotando quietecita, observándome con su ojito?

No puedo, no hay palabras...
Un escalofrío describe mejor la sensación que he tenido.

How could I describe the sensation I had, when photographing baby Pascuala, and she suddenly stayed calm, floating, watching me with her eye?

I just can't, there are no words...
A shiver describes better the sensation I had.

Foto: Jessica Soler • Abril 26, 2007 • Nuevo Vallarta, Nayarit

4 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

Wow! I have following Pascuala's recovery and I must say that I am so amazed with all that everyone is doing for her and how well she is progressing. I am very excited that she is doing so well! Thank you very much for the daily updates! I find myself logging on a few times a day to check on her progress! I can't wait to see what new surprises she has in store for everyone! Again...thanks!

Maria dijo...

Because she knows you, you are family and friend. She feels good and safe with you :)

Maria dijo...

to a point i completely understand what you are experiencing as i had this experience with another killer whale. his name is luna and his blog is

Carolina García dijo...

Ay, qué bonito!!!